Monday, April 20, 2009 we love the beach

This weekend we spent time at Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Laguna Beach makes the fourth beach we have visited since we arrived is CA and is our is beautiful! The rocky shore and tide pools gives Drew endless opportunities to explore. We saw beautiful flowers, sea lions, starfish, shells, fish, sea urchins...what a day! We also witnessed a new sport. SUP surfing...Stand Up Paddle surfing is using a one-bladed paddle, while standing on a normal length surfboard. It looks like surfing and kayaking had a baby..and they called it SUP-ing! It has become a very popular sport seen across the globe. I am not in the stage of my life that I want to try a new sport...I think my babies need a mommy, but... I have added it to my list of things to accomplish in life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kindy! I am so glad that you are doing a blog - I love seeing your family! Are you the great photographer? The pics of your kids are so great. It looks like you guys are having a great time in CA - I keep hearing that it is really warm there... like almost 100? Enjoy the sun - and good luck to Nathan as he tries to study. It looks dificult =)
