Sunday, April 12, 2009

He has Risen!!!

Happy Easter! We spent Easter morning at Rick Warren's church, Saddleback. It was pretty amazing--we had 23 different services to choose from! It was an awesome message and we look forward to going back next weekend. The church, although huge (22,000 members) was so well organized and everyone was so nice. What a blessing it is to worship in freedom with thousands of other believers!


  1. How fun to visit different churches. Miss you tons! Love the feet with the perfect!

  2. Hi, We will have to get together some time when you come to town. How old are your kids? They are so cute. I will have to put your blog on mine so that I can keep up with you. Owen is 2 and Beau is 2 months. It is great to hear from you. Jessie

  3. I love your family picture on Easter. It looks so beautiful there! We should be getting into the high 60's or 70's this weekend and next week! Yay! Miss you all tons! Thanks for calling to ask about Marshall's birthday. It was very sweet of you to think of us!
