Friday, May 8, 2009

How can this be???

It amazes me how two kids with the same parents can be SOOOOO DIFFERENT! Our good Lord creates us all so different no matter what are gene pools consists of. My kiddos are a great example of that---they are so uniquely different!
At five months old Drew was so much more active, more determined and more stubborn. He has always been my adventurer. He has never met a challenge he hasn’t wanted to tackle. He’s the child who tried, at 10 months, to run because walking was too slow. He literally walked as soon as he could take a step, ran as soon as he could walk... He is also my early bird and loves to start his day by saying "Sun's Up...Time to get up!" Here is a picture of Drew at five months with Daddy!

At five months old Carrie has no desire to explore, she just wants to be snuggled! She is so easy-going and tolerant of everything! As long as she gets held she is happy! She has spent much of her first five months watching the world from the safety of mommy or daddy’s arms and content to see what's going on without getting involved in it. She is my girl who loves to sleep in...she would sleep in until 10 am if he brother would leave her alone! Here is a recent picture of Carrie with her Mommy...she is five months old!

Two kids with the same parents… two totally different personalities! How can this be? I guess we’ll see how similar yet different they become as they grow older.


  1. It is amazing! I think Hadden is quite a bit like Diek, but they still have their differences. Your kids are adorable.

  2. And it doesn't matter whether they are the same gender. My boys are at two different ends of the spectrum, but still love eachother deeply!

